Carnival Journeys - 14 Day Transatlantic
Sun Mar 16th 2025
Onboard Spirit
Itinerary Summary
Barcelona/SPAIN, Granada/SPAIN, Seville/SPAIN, Ponta Delgada, King's Wharf/BERMUDA, Miami
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Day 1 : Barcelona/SPAIN

-- - 7:00 pm

Barcelona is the cultural heartland of Spain, yet its first language is Catalan, the native tongue of the proudly independent Catalonia region. Stroll down the shady, tree-lined Ramblas between street musicians and elegant bistros. Then perhaps visit the venerable Gothic cathedral, Picasso Museum or enjoy the architectural genius of Antonio Gaudi's Church of the Holy Family.

Day 2 : At Sea

Day 3 : Granada/SPAIN

8:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Plaza de Merced, cathedrals, and museums of Malaga make it a remarkable site for studying the history and culture of Spain.The coastline that borders the city is magnificent, and it creates a wonderful backdrop to the ancient land.

Day 4 : Seville/SPAIN

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Day 5 : At Sea

Day 6 : At Sea

Day 7 : Ponta Delgada

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

A hidden treasure, the remote Azores islands lie 900 miles west of Portugal and 2,110 miles east of New York. Ponta Delgada's stunning Portuguese architecture and luxuriant, flower-filled parks make walking through this city a joy. Venture out of the city and prepare yourself for some of the most beautiful scenery you have ever witnessed. Dramatic rocky cliffs descend to pristine bays, where you may find a virtually deserted stretch of gorgeous beach. Extinct craters are filled with turquoise waters, and surrounded by gardens of hydrangeas and greenery that thrive in the rich volcanic soil.

Day 8 : At Sea

Day 9 : At Sea

Day 10 : At Sea

Day 11 : At Sea

Day 12 : King's Wharf/BERMUDA

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

The sand really is pink, and the style is decidedly British in this Atlantic Ocean island gem a day a half by ship from the East Coast. Although some cruise ships call at Bermuda on the way to or from the Caribbean and Bahamas or Europe, most cruises to this island are single-destination journeys, giving vacationers several days to enjoy the many delights it offers while using their ship as a floating resort hotel. Tourists are not allowed to drive automobiles in Bermuda, but readily available motor scooters and bicycles allow independent explorations of this small island. The shops are decidedly upscale with particular emphasis on fine products from around the world and especially Britain. Bermuda also has an abundance of restaurants featuring the island's distinctively spicy cuisine. Summer is prime time for Bermuda cruises, and ships depart for the island from a number of East Coast ports, including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk, as well as from Florida. Though a small island, Bermuda has two cruise ship ports - one at Hamilton, the island's capital, and the other at Kings Wharf.

Day 13 : At Sea

Day 14 : At Sea

Day 15 : Miami

8:00 am - --

Discover the cosmopolitan beauty of Miami along Florida's fabled Gold Coast. Stroll through carefully preserved Art Deco neighborhoods and witness the trendy lifestyle that is South Beach. Enjoy open-air shopping in the Bayside Marketplace and shop for a bite to eat in Coconut Grove, with its harborside cafes and quaint, artistic settings.