In Vancouver, you're never out of sight of towering peaks--or of the sea. It is a prosperous city adorned with flowers lining the streets and lush greenery like Stanley Park. Museums offer fine collections of the dramatic Northwest native arts. Vancouver's Chinatown is the second-largest in the world. The waterfront Gastown district recalls the city's colorful past as a premier Pacific port since the days of the Clipper ships.
Alaska's capital can't be reached by road. You fly or sail here to enjoy its greeting of dockside flags and flowers. It is surprisingly urban and cultured for being so remote. Visit the museum for insights into Inuit culture and crafts. Drive up to Mendenhall, the only glacier inside city limits! Or get an aerial view from a helicopter. Fish for silver salmon, or just enjoy some off the grill--then kick back at the Red Dog Saloon.
Alaska's heritage comes alive in the handcrafted artistry of the Tlingit (pronounced "Klink-it") Indians and in the lively performances of the Chilkat Dancers, with their brightly painted tribal masks. Take a walking tour of Haines and get a glimpse of the town's gold-rush history in local museums. You can visit the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve-Haines boasts the world's largest concentration of the magnificent birds, drawn to the area by the salmon-rich waters. Other shore excursions include a boat trip on Lake Chilkoot and a glacier country flightseeing trip.
Ketchikan is the salmon capital of the world. The canneries are busy, and the stream below Creek Street's rustic boardwalk bustles with life. Visit the ancient grove of Totem Bight, the largest collection of authentic totem poles anywhere. Make a flight to nearby Misty Fjords--a breathtaking vista of Alaska's unspoiled wilderness and America's newest national monument, or, try a little salmon fishing.
In Vancouver, you're never out of sight of towering peaks--or of the sea. It is a prosperous city adorned with flowers lining the streets and lush greenery like Stanley Park. Museums offer fine collections of the dramatic Northwest native arts. Vancouver's Chinatown is the second-largest in the world. The waterfront Gastown district recalls the city's colorful past as a premier Pacific port since the days of the Clipper ships.